Monday, August 13, 2007

Pain, Physical Labor, Brilliance, Dumb-Ass Move

Ok, so I walk in the door at work today, having had knee pain all weekend, & was preparing to sort of take it easy physically by just doing the computer work I had to do. Uh, no, that's not happening. Within a few minutes, my boss asked me for help in moving his office to his new location in the same building (we don't get to hire labor if the move is in the same building). So what I am going to say, "fuck off!"? I don't think so, since he is writing my annual performance appraisal this week & next week *:-) So I worked my ass off moving office furniture & installing under-the-counter keyboard supports & stuff like that. I took aspirin tonight, so that will help. Oh well. I still have a family so I need to work *:-)

OTOH, later in the day I got to present to my boss (as he was sitting in his office that I just moved the furniture into) my interpretation of what my job description would be if I could have it the way I wanted, & I got almost everything I wanted, & I got ALL of the important stuff I wanted *:-) Also, my boss shared with me some very cool concepts for what we might be doing in the future, & what my part would be. I liked it all, & it is quite brilliant imho.

The University of Blueberry Syrup has made another dumb-ass move at the very highest level, but hey, nothing I can do about that. That's life.

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