Thursday, August 09, 2007

A Slight Breeze Billows The Sails Briefly

The great ship upon which I toil has been becalmed for several weeks now, & the insanity continues. Today however, for a couple hours, there was a breeze that actually billowed the sails for a bit, & it brought smiles to the Captain, the Bosun, & the First Mate. The Captain wandered about the ship with an encouraging look on his face, which helped all of us just a bit. Thanks Cap'n *:-) The breeze was not enough to move the ship, but it is a harbinger, hopefully.

I was made the Project Manager for a technical remodel of two of our conference rooms & today I sent a needs analysis survey to everyone (except the ghosts). That will cause some of the inhabitants of the ship to be happy & enthused, & will cause some to be angry because we are not getting large raises this year, & they would prefer that the money that will be invested in the conference room improvements be spent on raising their salaries. I suspect that every improvement I schedule to be made will be challenged, or at least whispered about negatively behind my back. Oh well *:-)

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